Eat to Boost Weight Loss, Immunity + Mood
Gut Health is almost the new sexy topic – who would have thought?!
Here at gutzy we’re constantly inspired by fantastic articles, interesting research and testimonials on the importance of gut health. GUT HEALTH is almost the new sexy topic – who would have thought?!
A recent article that inspired us is Judy Danziger’s The 20 Foods to Eat for Gut Health, to Boost Weight Loss, Immunity and Mood’ we found on TheBeet.com. Here are a few of the many interesting bits we want to share with you:

“There are two main functions that go on in your gut, which are your large and small intestines and colon: Metabolizing food for energy and releasing nutrients into the body–or clearing toxins out of it. So it stands to reason that the more healthy whole, natural plant-based foods you eat, the more you are feeding your gut bacteria–the trillions of little micro-organisms in your gut–healthy food that keeps the “good” bacteria fed, and your body able to absorb healthy nutrients. But when you eat sugary or fat-filled chemical-containing junk food, red meat, or fatty dairy then your so-called unhealthy bacteria grow and have to work harder to clear the toxins out, which leads to bloating, weight gain, coronary heart disease, and a general lack of focus or mental health that comes with sluggish digestion.“

“To have a healthy gut – and in turn, a healthy body, able to shed pounds and have energy, focus, a healthy immune system, and a positive mood – you need to feed the healthy bacteria with prebiotics which are essentially fiber foods that help your positive bacteria grow, explains Dr. Anthony Thomas, a Ph.D. in Nutritional Biology, Director of Scientific Affairs at Jarrow Formulas in Los Angeles and an expert in the world of pro and prebiotics.“
Nourish the good bacteria in your gut and the body and mind will be better prepared to defend you against outside forces (think the common cold to COVID-19) and inside mind games (think anxiety and depression). Here are a few areas the gut presides over:
Immunity: The majority (70%!) of the body’s gladiator-like immune system resides in the gut.
Cognition: The Gut-Brain Connection is now well-known, but what may not be is that the key influencers of brain functioning are produced in the gut. 90% of the body’s serotonin and 50% of its dopamine are made in the gut. The brain receives messages from the gut via the vagus nerve. Metabolism: The gut microbiota actually regulates our metabolism related to the calories we take in and is also deeply intertwined with the endocrine system and the body’s response to insulin. When calorie reduction and exercise don’t result in weight loss, the microbiome may likely be to blame.
Metabolism: The gut microbiota actually regulates our metabolism related to the calories we take in and is also deeply intertwined with the endocrine system and the body’s response to insulin. When calorie reduction and exercise don’t result in weight loss, the microbiome may likely be to blame.
With trillions of bacteria already living in your gut, nourishing them is essential so they can work hard for YOU! We really love this part:

“Prebiotics Are as Important as Probiotics in Maintaining Gut Health and General Health“
“The reason people talk about both prebiotics and probiotics is that the prebiotics essentially feeds the microbiome. Probiotics introduce the good bacteria to the gut, but unless you feed these organisms fiber, they don’t get to do their jobs, Dr. Thomas explains. “Most Americans are eating less than one serving of vegetables a day, or maybe one piece of fruit a day, and they are not getting vitamins A, B, C, E, and K which all help your body function properly. By not getting enough fiber from fruits and vegetables, legumes, and nuts, you lose the benefit of taking probiotics.”
While not all fiber is prebiotic, all prebiotic is fiber, since that is the fuel your healthy gut bacteria feed off of. “The biggest thing I see is that people are not getting enough vegetable-based foods into their diet. And of course, vegans and vegetarians do better but even they may not be getting the right foods.”“

Here are the article’s top 20 plant-based foods with tremendous functional benefits to nourish the gut microbiome and help you improve the quality of your whole health:
1. Bananas, 2. Spinach, Kale & Leafy Greens, 3. Raspberries, 4. Artichokes, 5. Green Peas, 6. Broccoli, 7. Chickpeas, 8. Lentils, 9. Beans (kidney, pinto, and white), 10. Whole Grains, 11. Chia Seeds, 12. Flax Seeds, 13. Garlic & Onions, 14. Apples, 15. Black or Green Tea, 16. Purple & Red Grapes, 17. Blueberries, 18. Strawberries, 19. Oranges and 20. Cocoa & Dark Chocolate
Take care of your gut, and your gut will take care of you!
Stay healthy. Begutzy®.